Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

I think Earth Hour is a good idea, its a start, its something. I think its better than nothing at all. At least it gets people to think about the earth and their impact on the environment one hour of the year. I think its sad that we cant do more, and that we find it too hard to take even one hour...ONE HOUR out of our scheduals to think of something bigger than ourselves. I find it hard too, so that goes for me as well. I was at a banquet on the saturday during earth hour, and I wasnt about to go and turn everything off. But I think there could be more possible solutions, like, have some different days for different things, like turning off Air conditioners for a while, just open the wondows, you know? If its too hot turn on the fan. I dont know, I think people in general just need to reduce their everyday use of electricity, turn off the lights when you leave a room, if it doesnt need to be on, turn it off (like computers, the computer monitor, etc...). I dont think one hour is enough, but its a start, and it gets people thinking about the environment, and how was are slowing destroying it - if only for a day.

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