Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

I think Earth Hour is a good idea, its a start, its something. I think its better than nothing at all. At least it gets people to think about the earth and their impact on the environment one hour of the year. I think its sad that we cant do more, and that we find it too hard to take even one hour...ONE HOUR out of our scheduals to think of something bigger than ourselves. I find it hard too, so that goes for me as well. I was at a banquet on the saturday during earth hour, and I wasnt about to go and turn everything off. But I think there could be more possible solutions, like, have some different days for different things, like turning off Air conditioners for a while, just open the wondows, you know? If its too hot turn on the fan. I dont know, I think people in general just need to reduce their everyday use of electricity, turn off the lights when you leave a room, if it doesnt need to be on, turn it off (like computers, the computer monitor, etc...). I dont think one hour is enough, but its a start, and it gets people thinking about the environment, and how was are slowing destroying it - if only for a day.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Pope, Africa and HIV

I think that the Pope really does beleive what he said. I still think however that he should have explained his reasons why he believes that, and why he thinks condoms are just making HIV worse. Because now it looks like he was lying to get people to listen to him, and take what he was saying (about abstinance) more seriously.

A plus for Everyone!

I really dont think this is a good idea.
If a teacher were to tell me I have an A at the beginning of the class and I have already passed, sure that would be cool, but there is now no incentive for me to learn anything. Nothing. Maybe I'll listen in on a few lectures and do some work sheets, but whats the point? I've already passed, and I dont have to work for anything. This especially will not work with classes such as math, or science. In art, it is difficult to mark. Who's to say which is right? Or if its good enough or not? In subjects such as math and science, there IS a right answer, and there is a wrong answer. People will work hard if their grades depend on it. They will go out of their way to study for a test if they dont understand something so they will get it right.
For sure everyone wants an A, but it wont feel as good in the end, because they didnt work for it. And I can almost guarantee that no one by the end of the semester will know what is required for them to have an A.

Our Choice Blog

We get to choose what this blog is about. I decided to write about my March Break.
Becuase I was not allowed to go to Mexico on a Mission Trip with everyone else and was made to stay at home I was really angry. I was mad at my parents for not letting me go for the first two days of March Break, and didnt really want to do anything. I thought about it a lot though. I could either sit around at home and sulk, or go out and do something here in my own community. So I signed up with my youth group and worked for three days doing different things.
On Tuesday, we ran a Carnival for the kids in town (who live in the apartments by the school), we've done it before and it was succesful. We had three children show up that day, but the effort we put into it was worth ot for the three kids. They had so much fun, and stayed for over an hour, doing the same things over and over, and they loved it.
On Wednesday, we helped out with a day camp, and there were two children. They were mentally handicaped, so it was a challenge, but they had a lot of fun. We played games, like hide and seek (the highlight of the day for them), went swimming, had a pizza party and watched Wall-E.
On Thursday we ran a soup kitchen at the Annex (right beside the Baptist church). We arrived at the church early that day, planned what we were going to serve, and went out and bought the ingrediants and made it all up. When it came time for the people to come, six showed up and stayed for a long time. It was a lot of fun, and the food was really good!
I think I learned (mainly) two things (out of many), and the first one was that I dont have to leave the country to help people, and its just as important to reach out to your community.
I also learned that you cant always measure success on numbers. Our society always does that. If I was to tell people that we only had three people show up to the Carnival, most people would loook at that as a failure, or that it wasnt worth the effort. I learned that it was totally worth the effort for those three kids, they had fun, and left the carnival happy. They were worth the hours of planning and setting up.